Knowing what’s good for brain health and finding strategies that work for you is important

Care and support - person playing soduko
Illustration of a medical prescription bag containing medicine


Coordinated medical care is very important for your brain health

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Spending time with friends and family and socialising is a really important way to support good brain health particularly as you get older

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Illustration of a glass of water and an apple


There are simple changes you can make in your everyday life to keep your brain as healthy as possible

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Brain gym

Tips for living better with thinking and memory problems.

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Illustration of a brain jigsaw puzzle alongside an exercise weight

What to expect from your care

If you have concerns about your thinking and memory speak to a member of your HIV care team.

Read our guide
Illustration of a heart with a needle and thread helping to heal it

Support for carers

Information to help you navigate caring for a friend or family member

Read our tips
Illustration of two figures supporting each other with arm on shoulder and around waist

Info for health professionals

More information on current guidelines, management and the latest research

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Helpful links

Links for more info on thinking and memory problems, dementia and medications.