Below are some commonly asked questions

Your doctor or HIV care team will likely want to explore with you a little more about what you are experiencing and ask you about the things which we know can contribute to memory and thinking problems.
They may conduct a brief cognitive assessment and if this suggests there may be a problem you will likely be referred for some more tests.
See ‘What to expect from you care’ for more info on what this may involve and what might happen next.
Cognitve health refers to the health of our brain whereas mental health is our psychological or emotional health.
Sometimes medicines can effect our thinking and memory. However, when deciding whether to give someone a certain medication it is because the benefits of that medication out weight the risks of being on it.
Occasionally if someone is on lots of different medications they can interact with each other causing some side effects. Healthcare professionals like to regularly review the medications of their patients to make sure this doesn’t happen but occasionally this doesn’t get done routinely. If you are on a number of different medications, it’s helpful to keep a list on you to show doctors when you meet with them.
You can also take a look yourself using the Liverpool HIV Interaction checker.
But, please remember, if you are concerned about drug interaction it’s important not to just stop taking your medications, just make sure you speak to a healthcare professional as soon as possible about your concerns.
In England, your local council has a duty under the Care Act (2014) to carry out, when requested, a care needs assessment for anyone with care and support needs.
There is also a carer’s assessment that assesses the needs of carers. These are usually done at the person’s home, face to face. You can request an assessment from your local council’s Adult Social Services Team for yourself or for someone else by phone, in writing or online.
In Scotland and Wales, contact your local council’s Social Services office.
In Northern Ireland, contact your local Health and Social Care Trust.
A GP or hospital doctor can also arrange an assessment for you.
The assessments will find out if someone is eligible and which care and support services they need. Support may include:
- help in the home
- adaptations and equipment
- help with personal care
- access to day centres
- residential or respite/replacement care.
After a care needs assessment, a care plan should be agreed and written up. You can request a copy of your care plan in writing.
The local council has a duty to meet a person’s needs when they are eligible, however, they can charge for services.
A financial assessment is used to determine whether charges are made or not. The council should provide a breakdown of how they calculate any costs.
Find your local social services department number in the phone book or online. The website also has information on topics such as benefits, tax and pensions.
The Citizens Advice website provides advice on a wide range of subjects including finance, benefits, legal rights and healthcare.
You can search on the website for your nearest Citizens Advice, or call one of the numbers below for details.
England: 0800 144 8848
Wales: 0800 702 1456
Scotland: 0800 702 1456
For Northern Ireland, phonelines are regional, please see website for more information.
Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) (England and Wales)
The Office of the Public Guardian is the government body responsible for protecting people living in England and Wales who lack the mental capacity to make decisions.
There are different government departments for Northern Ireland and Scotland.
The OPG is also responsible for registering Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) and can be contacted for any information about LPA and the application process.
You can also report concerns about an attorney or deputy to the OPG.
Call: 0300 456 0300
Email: customerservice@publicguardian.gsi.gov.uk
Court of Protection (COP) (England and Wales)
The COP (England and Wales) appoints and supervises deputyships for people who no longer have the mental capacity to appoint an attorney for themselves.
Call: 0300 456 4600
Email: courtofprotectionenquiries@justice.gov.uk
Office of Care and Protection (NI)
Call: 0300 200 7812
Email: OCP@courtsni.gov.uk
Website: justice-ni.gov.uk/topics/courts-and-tribunals/office-care-and-protection-patients-section
Office of the Public Guardian (Scotland)
Call: 01324 678300
Website: publicguardian-scotland.gov.uk
Beacon CHC
Beacon CHC provides advice for people who are applying for NHS continuing healthcare funding. This is where the NHS pays for a person’s social care package.
There are lots of resources on Beacon’s website that can help. They also provide up to 90 minutes of free telephone advice (after which fees apply).
Call: 0345 548 0300
Email: enquiries@beaconchc.co.uk
Shelter offers legal services, support and advice to anyone experiencing housing issues or facing homelessness.
Call: 0808 800 4444
ACAS provides independent advice and information on rights in the workplace, including advice for people with illnesses and disabilities and carers who:
- are in work
- may need extra support from their employer
- need to take leave
- need to reduce hours
- are considering their options if they wish to leave work.
Call: 0300 123 1100
Advice UK
Advice UK is an online hub signposting to organisations advising on benefits, legal matters, financial and other issues.
LawWorks connects volunteer lawyers with people in need of legal advice who are not eligible for legal aid and cannot afford to pay.
Some solicitors provide free information on their websites about mental capacity and Lasting Power of Attorney.
For example, Wright Hassell has produced a ‘Legal guide to dealing with dementia‘ that you may find useful.
There are also some helpful resources about making a will, inheritance tax, planning and paying for care and Lasting Power of Attorney here.
Helpful links
Medication interactions checker – Liverpool HIV drug interactions